Do not store your boards in direct sunlight. Keep in shaded areas, carports, or garages when not in use. Extreme heat is damaging to boards and is not covered under warranty. Rinse boards off after use, especially when used in salt water. Do not transport boards in bubble wrap, as the wrap acts like a microwave. Reflective bags are recommended for travel, but should not be used as storage in extreme heat.
Make sure your fin screw is tight before you go into the water. Fins should be removed occasionally and fin box rinsed out. Fins should never hit the sand. Walk the board out into the water so that the fin never hits the bottom. When coming into shore, hop off of the board and walk it in. The boards should be turned over with fin facing up when on the shore. Take care, especially when surfing, to stay away from sand bars.
Many types of roof racks are available for transporting your Lucid SUP. Some roof rack attachments are made specifically for carrying Paddle Boards. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for using SUP specific roof racks.
Other roof racks may be used to transport your Lucid board. Follow these simple steps to help ensure your board is not damaged during transportation.
- Secure the board to roof racks using high-quality straps
- Do not over-tighten the straps, as this can damage the board
- Remember to remove the fins from the board, the fins are designed to easily come off with one push.
- Use a cushion on the racks to reduce wear and tear on the board
- Use a cushion on the straps to reduce wear and tear on the board
- If transporting multiple boards, place a cushion between the boards to prevent wear and tear on the board
- Always ensure that there is sufficient distance between the two racks to securely support the board at high speeds
- Avoid driving too fast. The boards have a large surface area and driving at high speeds can cause damage to the board or your vehicle.